Mayonnaise and Dressings Business

Mayonnaise and Dressing manufacturing business (our origin and home ground) is the integral part of our business.

Since the establishment, we as a manufacture of products for business use, respond to our professional customers by developing many different types of mayonnaise and dressings. We have various kinds and shapes in our mayonnaise. Some examples are: cubic shape solid mayonnaise for frozen products, and powder type one for potato chips to add mayonnaise flavor. We continue to introduce new products that meet the change of the market environment, by designing various shapes of products, establishing adequate production systems and introducing new manufacturing methods/technologies. In addition to that, we conduct marketing activities by creating the KENKO Sauce World and commercializing sauces from all over the world as its “the world’s sauce series”.

Left: Taste of a Kenko Mayonnaise restaurant Right: Creamy Bisque Sauce
Left: Taste of Restaurants, KENKO Mayonnaise
Right: Creamy Bisque Sauce

Salad and Delicatessen Business

We have developed the nation’s first ‘long-life salad’. This long lasting salad is a brand called FDF (Fashion Delica Foods), which is widely used at restaurants, bakeries and convenience stores

Being the 1 Salad Company, we continue to design salad cuisines and, to give further stimulation to the market, we will take the following activities.

  • ・Designing of products that are capable of developing a new market  
  • ・Providing new products with new ingredients, shapes and menus that meet our customers’ needs
  • ・Product development conducted from the viewpoint of our customers
  • ・Production of salad cuisines in overseas styles, and designing and marketing of products focusing on seasonal ingredients
  • ・Designing ‘dessert’ salad
  • ・Development of frozen products which have long shelf life

We dedicate ourselves to product development as the industry’s first manufacturer of long-life salad and as a leading company with the highest market share.

Left: Restaurant Potato Salad  Right: Burdock Salad
Left: Restaurant Potato Salad
Right: Burdock Salad

Healthy food using plenty of beans
Japanese Soybean croquettes

Egg products Business

In our egg products business activity, we manufacture general processed products of egg including egg salad, which is used for sandwiches and snack breads, Atsuyaki-Tamago (Japanese style rolled omelet) for lunch boxes, Kinshi-Tamago (narrowly stripped cooked eggs) used for cold Chinese noodle, and boiled eggs for Oden soup. We are to build a factory, which equips integrated manufacturing system from shell egg to any egg products through continuous line.

With the concept of providing safe and reliable products as principle, we at KENKO Mayonnaise Co., Ltd continue to produce various egg products.

Egg omelet
Flavored Japanese Omelet