1958 | March | The company is established. |
1961 | September | The manufacturing /Sales of KENKO Mayyonnaise for commercial Salad. |
1966 | June | The trade name is changed to KENKO-Mayonnaise Co., Ltd. |
1967 | April | Nagoya Shop (the current Naka-Nihon Sales Headquarters) is established. |
August | Tokyo Shop (the current Tokyo Headquarters) is established. | |
October |
Kobe Factory is established.The headquarters is relocated. |
1973 | June |
Sendai Sales Office (the current Sendai Branch) is established. |
1975 | November | Osaka Branch is established. |
1976 | March | Fukuoka Sales Office (the current Kyusyu Sales Headquarters) is established. |
1977 | October | The sale of an industry’s first long-life salad “Fashion Delica Foods®” is launched. |
1979 | March | Sapporo Sales Office (the current Sapporo Branch) is established. |
April | Hiroshima Sub-Office (the current Chushikoku-Division) is established. | |
November | Atsugi Factory is established. | |
1986 | December | The sales of Burdock Salad (for commercial purpose) is launched. |
1988 | March | Nishi-Kobe Factory is established. |
1990 | February | All the shares of KYUSHU DIETCOOK Co.,Ltd. are acquired. |
1991 | September | DIETCOOK SAITAMA Co.,Ltd. is established. |
1992 | June | The trade name is changed to KENKO Mayonnaise Co., Ltd from KENKO-Mayonnaise Co., Ltd. |
1993 | April | The Group Control Center (the current Tokyo Headquarters) is established. |
August | DIETCOOK SHIRAOI Co.,Ltd. is established. | |
1994 | June | Yamanashi Factory is established. |
November | It becomes an over-the-counter company on the Osaka Securities Exchange JASDAQ market. | |
1995 | March | DIET EGG Eastern Japan KK (the current KANTO DIET EGG Co.,Ltd.) is established. |
June | Lilac FOODS Co.,Ltd. is established. | |
August | KANSAI DIETCOOK Co.,Ltd. is established. | |
1997 | March | DIETCOOK SUPPLY Co.,Ltd. is established. |
2003 | April | Gotenba Factory is established. |
2005 | May | Kenko Foods (Hong Kong) CO., LTD is established. |
August |
Kenko Foods (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD is established. Salad Cafe Co.,Ltd. is established. |
2006 | March | The consolidated sales reach to 50 billion yen. |
2007 | October | Nishi-Nihon Factory is established. |
2010 | July | The business name is changed to KENKO & TING (HONG KONG) HOLDING CO., LTD from Kenko Foods (Hong Kong) CO., LTD |
2011 | March | Kenko Foods (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD is reorganized as DONGGUAN KENKO & TING FOODS CO., LTD |
March | The company is listed on the 2nd section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. | |
May | Hangzhou KENKO & Ting Foods Co.,Ltd is established. | |
2012 | March | The company is designated to be at the 1st section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. |
July | PT.Intan Kenkomayo Indonesia (Jakarta) is established. | |
2014 | March | Shizuoka Fujisan Factory is established. |
July | Vancouver Research Office(Canada) is established. | |
December | Kanto Sales Headquarters is established. | |
2018 | June | Kanagawa Factory of KANTOH DIETCOOK Co.,Ltd. is established. |