
In accordance with our company philosophy of “Contributing to the world by providing quality foods”,“Body and Mind (mind/body/soul) and Environment”, the KENKO Mayonnaise Group aims to create a sustainable society.

Sustainability Policy

In the aim of creating a sustainable society, the KENKO Mayonnaise Group has established a Sustainability Policy guided by contributions in the areas of Environment, Society, and Health. We will meet the needs and expectations of our changing times, strive to create new value, and continue to grow hand in hand with society.


To become an environmentally friendly company

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Recycling-based


To bring happiness to stakeholders

  • Happiness of workers
  • Harmony with local communities and society


To care for mental and physical health and lives

  • To provide safe,reliable products
  • To promote health-oriented management
Creation of a sustainable society

Five Key Issues

Based on our Sustainability Policy, we are engaging with the following five key issues. We have set goals for each of these key issues and are moving ahead with various activities in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Key Issues Initiative Themes
Greenhouse gases To reduce CO2
To use renewable energy
Streamline logistics management
Ingredients To reduce food loss
To adopt sustainable ingredients
Packaging materials
To reduce the use of plastics
To promote 3R activities
To select environmentally friendly materials
Health To develop products with high added value
Education through food
Human resources To improve the work-life balance
To respect diversity
Related SDGs
  • SDGs 2
  • SDGs 3
  • SDGs 4
  • SDGs 7
  • SDGs 8
  • SDGs 9
  • SDGs 10
  • SDGs 12
  • SDGs 13
  • SDGs 14
  • SDGs 15


As part of our environmental initiatives, we have set numerical targets for the medium- to long-term. We will work to meet our established targets and contribute to society while achieving business growth.

Issues Initiatives Numerical Targets
Reduction of
greenhouse gases
Reduction of CO2
(Compared with the emissions in FY 2019)
Goals for FY2023 -3%
Goals for FY2030 -50%
Goals for FY2050 -100%
Substitute for CFCs Goals for FY2023 Shift to alternate refrigerants
Goals for FY2030 Removal of R22 refrigerants
Goals for FY2050 Natural refrigerants 100%
Use of sustainable
packaging materials
Adoption of lightweight packaging materials
Utilization of recyclable materials (for all items)
Goals for FY2023 Shift to alternate refrigerants
Goals for FY2030 60% of recyclable materials (for all items)
Goals for FY2050 100% of recyclable materials (for all items)
Reduction of waste Reduction of processing loss
(Compared with the loss in FY2019)
Goals for FY2023 -5%
Goals for FY2030 -15%
Goals for FY2050 -30%

※We will review these targets in response to societal changes.